Origami Programmable Cell Sheet

Radhika Nagpal
Amorphous Computing Group
MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab
(Dec 2000)

The objective is to produce a language for describing global shape that can be compiled to local interactions amongst a large number of cells that work robustly inspite of imprecise positioning and individual cell limitations and failures. The long term goal is to contribute to the understanding of engineered self-organisation, i.e. rather than observing emergent global behavior from given local rules, how does one derive local rules for a particular global goal? What are the high level languages for describing global goals, and what are the primitives for constructing local rules?

Here I describe a global language for describing shape, based on Origami, and a means for compiling from that description to a sequence of actions or local rules to execute on each cell. The global structures need not be origami art but any desired structure that can be achieved by folding and the language could be extended to include other operations such as cuts or dynamic shapes. The physical structure is modeled after epithelial cell sheets. An individual cell can deform its shape by contracting fibers in its membrane (see activecells). The programmable material is composed of identically programmed active cells, distributed randomly but densely in a sheet. The sheet has an apical (top) and basal (bottom) surface and cells can coordinate to fold the sheet by contracting the appropriate fibers. Each cell can communicate locally with other cells within some small distance (communication radius) and can detect when another cell physically touches it. 

An Origami Program

Origami as a language has several key features. To describe the formation of a global shape, we use the Huzita axioms of origami.

Huzita's Origami Axioms:

  1. Given two points p1 and p2, we can fold a line through them
  2. Given two points p1 and p2, we can fold p1 onto p2 (make a crease that bisects the line p1p2 at right angles)
  3. Given two lines L1 and L2 we can fold L1 onto L2 (crease is a bisector of the angle between L1 and L2)
  4. Given p1 and L1 we can make a fold through p1 perpendicular to L1
  5. Given p1 and p2 and line l1, we can make a fold that places p1 on l1 and passes through p2
  6. Given p1 and p2 and lines l1 and l2, we can make a fold that places p1 on l1 and p2 on l2.
Axioms 1-3 are the most commonly used. Applying axioms creates new crease lines and new points are created at the intersection of crease lines. Initially the sheet starts out with four corner points and four edges (boundery). One can specify whether or not to fold along the crease line and whether the fold is a mountain or valley fold.

Deriving Local Rules for the Cell Sheet

At the local level,  origami exploits biologically-inspired amorphous computing primitives, such as gradients, tropisms, seepthru and induction, to organize the cells. Gradients are an analog to chemical gradients secreted by cells - the chemical concentration provides a estimate of distance from the source of the chemical (which may be a single cell, small group of cells, line of cells, etc).  Tropism implies ability to sense the direction of the chemical gradient by comparing neighboring chemical values. Both of these primitives have been explored in many different contexts within amorphous computing (GPL language, self organising coordinate systems, cellular computing language). The primitives are are robust, insensitive to processor placement and trade off precision for reliability. Contact and Seepthru use mechanical sensing in the cell sheet - cells make contact with neighbors they touch as a result of a fold operation and gradient values can seep through contact neighbors. Induction implies that one group of cells can induce their polarity on another group of cells through contact.

Using these primitive operations, each axiom can be translated to a set of local rules. For example axiom 2 creates a crease line such that any point on the line is equidistant from points p1 and p2. Therefore if points p1 and p2 (which are not single cells but rather groups of cells) generate two chemical gradients then all cells can compare if the gradient levels are the same - if so then they are equidistant and lie on the new crease line.  Seepthru allows a folded cell sheet to behave as a single sheet so that the same local rules to work by changing the context or shape in which the axiom applies.

Thus the local program for creating the crease pattern from the global origami description consists of sequencing the local rules corresponding to each axiom.  Each fold happens with high reliability since the primitives are robust and there is never any dependence on a single processor, and since the gradients always travel over the whole sheet the axioms are to a large extent self-synchronizing.


The origami based language provides a mechanism for generating global shape at the local level robustly and could be applied to ideas such as self-configuring physical structures and reconfigurable robots. More importantly it provides interesting insights into the general problem of deriving local interactions from global descriptions of behavior. Not only can one construct complex global behavior (shape) from a few primitive local behaviors but also the same shape can be created at many different scales with no modification of the local program (dna) of each cells even though the number of cells involved may vary significantly. We derive local rules for a particular global goal, provide a language for describing global shapes and primitives for organisation at the local level. This differs from previous work, such as cellular automata and reaction diffusion, where the local rules create emergent patterns and how one creates these local rules is poorly understood.