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Re: Not enough Memory

* Try running your larger applications first and your smaller ones last. 
* Change wallpaper to: pattern of 50% Gray or None
* If you don't need what's on the clipboard, clear it.
* Run non-Windows programs full-screen instead of windowed.
* Iconize any Windows programs that you want to keep open; otherwise close
* Remove unused fonts from your system using control panel.
* Decrease the size of your disk cache. 1Mb cache works well on most

Stanley Chen

From: Geovanny M. Ortiz <o-n-a@shadow.net>
To: Thinkpad list <thinkpad@cs.utk.edu>
Subject: Not enough Memory
Date: Monday, December 08, 1997 10:50 PM

I'm running WFW 3.11 in a thinkpad 701CS with 24 megs of ram.  From time to
time, I get a "Not enough memory" error message when I try to run a program
and I already have other programs open.  Could someone tell me if this is
how it's suppost to be or if I can fix this problem.

Thank you in advance for your response.

Geo, out.