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Re: Not enough Memory

At 08:50 PM 12/8/97 PST, Geovanny M. Ortiz wrote:
As someone else pointed out, the real memory shortage is in the "low" memory.
Unfortuneatly, the network program (the whole reason for WFW, right?) claims
more low memory than just about anything.  If I run net, I can often run only
one other program, so I usually opt out of it whenever I'm not on the 

The infomation support person at my company promised that installing WFW wouldn't
break anything that ran under regular windows (not 95).  That was wrong as you
can't run WFW under OS/2.  Running windows programs under OS/2 you can just start up
a new windows session whenever you run out of low memory.

-Don Perley

>I'm running WFW 3.11 in a thinkpad 701CS with 24 megs of ram.  From time to time, I get a "Not enough memory" error message when I try to run a program and I already have other programs open.  Could someone tell me if this is how it's suppost to be or if I can fix this problem.
>Thank you in advance for your response.
>Geo, out.