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Re: ThinkPad 560 questions

On Mon, 8 Dec 1997, Paul Khoury wrote:

> I think that the 16450 adds buffering or some little feature to the
> 8250, and the 16550 has more improvements, and FIFO.

  The 16450 was a slightly faster version of the 8250.  The 16550 added a
16-bit FIFO buffer.

>  Also interesting
> is that you can take off the 8250 or 16450 on older I/O cards and replace
> it with a 16550, because they operate exactly the same, but software
> determines whether you can use the advanced features of the 16550 or
> not.

  I've done that with a few IO cards.  Unless they are socketed it is
hardly worth it.  I've desoldered 8250's and 16450's from a few IO boards,
installed sockets and stuck in 16550's.  It mattered a lot more about 3-7
years ago when I mainly had '386 and '486 boxes and IO boards with 16550's
were both expensive and hard to find.

  Having a good desolder station makes it practical.  Not having one makes
it fairly difficult.

  Nowadays you can also get a 16650 which increases the buffer to
32-bytes.  This helps at 230.4Kbps and 460.8Kbps speeds and higher.  They
no longer use the same pinout and usually have 2-4 ports worth in one IC.

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