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Re: ThinkPad 560 questions

On Mon, 08 Dec 1997 08:15:19 -0800, Randal Whittle wrote:

>At 08:46 AM 12/5/97, Paul Khoury wrote:
>>>>3.1.  How about connecting an external modem (regular PC modem) to the
>>>>      serial port?  Any problems with this setup?
>>>	Haven't done it, but the serial port supports 14550-type buffer chip, so I
>>>don't foresee any problem in doing so.
>>Actually, this doesn't sound like an existant chip.  I think Randy meant a
>	Yup.  That's it.  :-)
>	It was quite an issue on the 750's, as their external serial port
>supported only a 16450-type UART chip, and that just wasn't fast enough for
>any decent, fast (then 14.4K) modem.
I think that the 16450 adds buffering or some little feature to the
8250, and the 16550 has more improvements, and FIFO.  Also interesting
is that you can take off the 8250 or 16450 on older I/O cards and replace
it with a 16550, because they operate exactly the same, but software
determines whether you can use the advanced features of the 16550 or
