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Re: TP 701 Upgrade by PEP

> >On Thu, 30 Oct 1997, Randal Whittle wrote:
> >
> >> Now here's the problem that needs to be solved:  What suite of "tests" do
> >> you want me to run?  I would like to see a consensus among the 701 users

> 	FYI--everyone on the list--The only bechmarks that will be done (by me, at
> least) will be in Windows 95 or perhaps the command line (DOS).  I do not
> have OS/2, Linux, or anything else on the machine and I'm not going to put
> it on.  Sorry if that's a bummer for you.

Well, if you wanted to test OS/2 I have a hard drive with a fully funnctioning OS/2 system 
on it which runs everyday, except for those occassions when I run windows '95.  It also has 
a large DB2 database (one table has 997,000 rows).  I'm not that far from USC and all that 
would have to happen is take out your hard drive in put in mine.  If you or anyone else is 
interested in trying out the upgrade on another platform.  Actually, I would think that 
there must be someone in Los Angeles who also has Linux on their ThinkPad.


||    Lee Laniear                                           ||
||    laniear@ligsystems.com OR laniear@ibm.net             ||
||                                                          ||