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Re: TP 701 Upgrade by PEP

At 08:00 AM 10/31/97 -0800, laniear@ibm.net wrote:
>Well, if you wanted to test OS/2 I have a hard drive with a fully
funnctioning OS/2 system 
>on it which runs everyday, except for those occassions when I run windows
'95.  It also has 
>a large DB2 database (one table has 997,000 rows).  I'm not that far from
USC and all that 
>would have to happen is take out your hard drive in put in mine.  If you
or anyone else is 
>interested in trying out the upgrade on another platform.  Actually, I
would think that 
>there must be someone in Los Angeles who also has Linux on their ThinkPad.
Please consider this offer.  As an OS/2 user I am very interested in the
performance of this upgrade under OS/2.  As I offered earlier, I would be
happy to send you a copy of Clear & Simple's Performance Plus v.4 benchmarks.

      David C. Howery       |                                          
   Department of Biology    | Email - david.howery@mail.trincoll.edu 
      Trinity College       | Phone - (860) 297-5189                 
     300 Summit Street      |   FAX - (860) 297-2538                 
   Hartford, CT  06106-3100 |                                        