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Re: TP 701 Upgrade by PEP

At 05:22 AM 10/31/97 GMT, epbrown wrote:
>	As for the tests Paul suggests, my own copy of the PCMag benchmarks
>is on CD, and since it's incredibly large I think that's the only
>format they're available in. Running them would require using an
>external CD-ROM which could bias the results. I think it's a good
>suite, though, so if anyone disagrees and thinks it wouldn't heard,

	I don't mind doing a test that requires a CD, but as you were saying, I
think that would have the effect of skewing the test somewhat.

	I have only 2 options for running the test from a CD.  (1) I have an
Adaptec PCMCIA SCSI card I can use to run a Pioneer 6-disc changer that has
a native speed of 4x.  (2) I have a 4x CD drive by "Backpack" that connects
to the parallel port.  I'd think that the SCSI route would be best, but
that 6-disc changer is rather quirky--I don't even use it anymore because
it's sort of awkward (i.e. when you first boot up, it goes through *every*
disc in the magazine even if there is no disc--its time consuming and
annoying--frankly, when I need a CD drive, I find the parallel-based
Backpack drive a hell of a lot more convenient).

	List consensus on which I should use?  Also, I'll need to get this CD from
someone--I don't have it.

	Emanuel, would you be kind enough to compile a "short list" of the
benchmarks that you and the list think should be done and the locations
from where they can be retrieved?  And would everyone run these on their
701's and report the results to Emanuel for compilation & aggregation of
the results?

	I've heard some suggestions of the benchmarks to be used--and that's
great--I'm just looking for a definitive consensus among the group.  I
don't want to go through all this and find out a bunch of people are
complaining that I used the wrong test and the results are biased...

>	As for a DOS game, while I've played DOOM on a 701C for over a
>year, it's my recollection that the replacement chip (AMD or Cyrix)
>don't handle FPU-intensive tasks very well. So that could be seen as
>stacking the deck against PEP.

	Which chip is it that PEP uses in the replacement?  And are you telling me
that the FPU performance could actually be *inferior* to the stock 486/75
in my 701C?

Randal J. Whittle		whittle@usc.edu	(213) 740-7775
Director, Electronic Commerce Program
Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California