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RE: Power level at mircophone jack

Thanks, but I think that's just the headset which Carsten already has.
It's the battery pack that is missing, and it has to be purchased separately.


At 12:12 PM 9/26/97 -0700, tisol wrote:

>has these every day for $9. plus $7 for transpo
>Andrea Electronics NC-50 Microphone Headset for the PC   $9.00 
>From: 	Jane Loyless[SMTP:jloyless@netbox.com]
>Sent: 	Friday, September 26, 1997 4:52 AM
>To: 	Carsten Seibert; Thinkpad mailing list
>Subject: 	Re: Power level at mircophone jack
>At 12:20 PM 9/26/97 +0200, Carsten Seibert wrote:
>>Does the TP supply power at the mic jack and if so, how much?
>>If the power is not sufficient, are there solutions for my problem?
>Yes - http://www.andreaelectronics.com