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Re: Power level at mircophone jack

On Fri, 26 Sep 1997 12:20:35 +0200, Carsten Seibert wrote:

>I just installed IBM's Simply Speaking Gold on my TP760ED with NT4.0.
>Now I'm struggling with the provided headset. The speaker works fine but
>the micophone does not.
>After going through the supplied notes (not really a manual), I found a
>notice about the requirement for sufficient power at the mic jack (due
>to an active mic).
>Does the TP supply power at the mic jack and if so, how much?
>If the power is not sufficient, are there solutions for my problem?
>Every input is of course appriciated because I'm dying to get into
>"voice-controlling" my lagtop - sit back and talk to your computer ;-)
>Carsten Seibert              +41 41 749 5455
>Software Engineer            cs@esec.com
>ESEC SA, Cham, Switzerland
I was actually able to speak to my server with Warp 4's VoiceType,
including dictation, but my microphone was a cheap 4 ohm speaker
from a portable boombox.

About your problem, you might be able to get a mic at Radio Shack,
if you're in the US.  It's expensive, but it has batteries to power the mic.
