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RE: Problem with startup of 560

On Fri, 26 Sep 97 9:42:38 HST, David Ross wrote:

>I wrote:
>> > Paul, I think the proportion of TP560 owners using OS/2 or Linux is
>> > almost indistinguishable from zero.
>Christoph Eyrich wrote:
>> Regarding Linux that's definitely not the case. It may well be true
>> for those doing presentations most of their time but it's different
>> in academia...
>What do you base your "definitely" on?  Note that I'm specifically referring
>to the 560, which has different use demographics than other IBM Thinkpad
>models.  Also, I understand there are some hassles involved in getting
>Linux working on the 560, including afterboot patching of the
>display and floppy drivers (e.g., running cy9382 in startx), and kernel
>to make features like suspend/resume work.  Plus, I don't think that PS2.exe
>gives as extensive control over the 560 low-level features as does the "W95 Features"
But it runs better because of a VERY low overhead.  Any Linux user knows that.

>Why is it different in academia?  I'm an academic myself; if anything, this
>ties me in even tighter to W95 (since my university's site license/academic
>discount arrangements are for W95 versions of software - I think this is true
>for most US universities).
My best friend is going to the California Polytechnic College in Pomona, and
they still use VAXes as well as Macs and Suns primarily.

>I don't doubt that a fair number of 560 users use Linux - I like it myself,
>though it would be impractical for me to have it on my laptop(s).  I just
>suspect that the *fraction* of 560 owners running Linux is very very small.
>Note to Paul: Calling W95 "DOS 7" is not entirely fair.  I agree that MS is still
>way behind in the catch up game, but W95 is a valiant effort, and a huge improvement
>over W3.1.  

No comment; I don't want to offend Microsoft fans.

I frequently miss W95 features when working on my Sparc - this was never
>the case for W3.1
I look forward to using a 'nix box.  When I get to use a 95 box,
I feel frustrated enough to format the hard drive.

>- David