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Re: Restoring DOS/Win3.1 Card Services for TP701cs?

On Thu, 26 Dec 1996, epbrown wrote:

> 	Here's what it says in the file for the mobiles directory, if you still
> haven't found this:
> 	PCTPX130.EXE  523195  07-24-95  PCMCIA dsk v1.3-ThinkPads except 760/365
> 	According to the .doc file, this disk should cover PC functions for the
> 701 in DOS/Win.  
> 	HTH,
> 	epbrown
> On Tue, 24 Dec 1996 12:18:35 -0500, you wrote:
> "I'm looking to obtain card services for my thinkpad 701c dos/windows
> "side, and am wondering where/how to go about it.  This is probably a

Yay!  Got it, installed it, it works great!  Thank-you, thank you!
I have yet to figure out how to get dos to pay attention to the modem
side of the combo card i'm using - probably just a matter of reading the
3Com instructions - but anyway i was more generally concerned about
getting the card services facilities before they're no longer available. 

(BTW, i'm not sure how meaningful it is, but i've had much easier and
quicker success on the linux side of my machine getting ppp fully
operational with the old (internal) tp modem, and with the new combo
card, than i have with netcom's software packages, or with standard DOS
facilities.  While my greater familiarity with the unix side has a lot
to do with that, that's balanced by the remarkable fact that the
unix-side infrastructure is all freeware - redhat linux is great! -
while the DOS/windows stuff is all commercial product (dos/windows,
NETCOMplete, the 3Com installer, etc), intended for use by people even
less dos savvy than i am...)

Thanks again!

Ken Manheimer		klm@cnri.reston.va.us	    703 620-8990 x268
	    (orporation for National Research |nitiatives

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