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Need Thinkpad 750 floppy drive repair or replacement

Well, due to stupidity on my part and a friend's part, my floppy drive is now
only half working.  A disk got stuck in the drive because the metal flanges
were sticking out, and to remove it we tried using a plastic knife, in the
process damaging the drive.  My theory is one of the heads is scraped or out of
alignment.  Now half the sectors on a disk are unreadable.  I tried a disk
cleaner with no luck, so now I'm looking into getting it either repaired (I
don't think this is likely) or replaced.  If anyone out there has a spare 750
floppy drive for sale, or knows where I can buy one or get one repaired, I
would be forever in their debt.  In fact, I'm open to any suggestions at all.
It's no fun not being able to read disks. ;-)  Thanks for any help.

Sean Owens