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Re: TP701C...DX2-50 or DX4-75?

On Sun, 22 Dec 1996 17:08:03 -0500 (EST), you wrote:
"I am looking to buy a 701C and would like your comments...
"The question I have is about the differences between the DX2-50 and
"DX4-75 models.  Assuming identical configurations aside from the CPU,
"Am I really going to see a substantial speed improvement
"by going with the DX4?  And does the DX4 model have a shorter battery
"life (presumably due to the CPU drawing more current)?  Does it run
	Well, I've owned both.  My first system was the DX2-50, which I sold to
upgrade to the DX4-75 with a larger drive and 4MB of RAM (the DX4s come
with 8MB on the motherboard, the DX2s only start with 4MB).  I ran both
side by side, usually swapping my drive between the two, and ran Wintune on
both.  Basically, the system is so slow, compared to other similarly
configed desktops and laptops, that there's almost no perceptible
difference between the two.  I'm still glad I got the larger drive and that
smidgen of RAM when I bought my 2nd one, but in terms of performance things
seem no snappier.  Of course, in terms of resale value this will mean
something. ;-)
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