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Re: tft display testing

	Sorry to hear that,  but I've run the thing under DOS 6.22, DOS 7.0,
Windows 3.11 and 95 with no problems.  I got it from CompuServe originally
and from AOL this morning and have never heard of it damaging a display.
It would have to blow out a transistor to kill a pixel, which I haven't
heard of happening before.  I guess you're sure it wasn't dead already and
you didn't notice? That's kind of what the program is for, after all.  You
might want to try the undocumented "fix" of pressing gently on the display
over the dead pixel. 
On Wed, 18 Dec 1996 08:27:52 -0800, you wrote:

"After running this program I had one pixel die.  No problems before. 
"Apparently the program did not like being run from windows and caused the
"screen to get stuck on one color.  Caution...only run if you absolutely
"must...and then only under DOS.  
"Bill Pratt, Bellevue, WA
""No matter where you go...there you are"!

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