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Re: Problems with IBM service

if ibm had any public relations sense they would send you a comparable machine,
which worked, with a second hdd adapter (so you could insert yours), ask you 
to put your machine in the box to send to them on the return flight, fix yours,
then do a swap in christchurch on your way back.  assuming you're not snowed
in at the moment.

of course, their lawyers would look at such a proposition, and gasp:  the 
precendent!  if we do this, next year we will have several hundred requests
to do the same thing, from antarctica.

regards, al

 Alden S Klovdahl /   alden.klovdahl@anu.edu.au    / fax: +61 62 49 05 25
 Sociology Arts  / Australian National University / Canberra ACT Australia 0200 

On Thu, 14 Nov 1996, Chris Liljenstolpe wrote:

> Greetings,
> 	I am looking (and I was just hoping that someone here would know who to
> vent on at IBM) for resolution for a problem with my thinkpad.  Here's a
> brief synopsis of my problem:
> 1) Some months ago, my Thinkpad went in for easyserv repair (the power
> connector broke).  Before then my serial port on the back of the thinkpad
> worked.
> 2) About a week before I left for Antarctica (where I am now) I discovered
> that my serial port was not working.  I could not use it for a direct
> connection to another machine, and I could not use it to talk to my digital
> camera.  It did pass an EasyStart diagnostic (without a cable attached).
> 3) I called IBM service and was told by a pretty snotty young woman that
> what I was doing was not supported (i.e. using the serial port to talk to
> anything but a modem) and since EasyStart passed, it had to be a program or
> cable problem.  She would not listen to the dignositcs I did that seemed to
> point at the machine, etc - and closed my call for me :(
> 4) I get down here to Antarctica, and use different target machines for the
> direct connection and it works with a compaq luggable, but not my Thinkpad
> (Procomm+ on both, same cable, etc.).  Also, another machine is able to
> download my camera, but my Thinkpad is not (again, same software, same cable).
> 5) I call service again.  Good tech this time has me put a loopback cable
> on the serial port (the first tech never mentioned using a loopback - so I
> figured the EasyStart diagnostics did not deal with a cable loopback), and
> guess what - it passes without the loopback, but not with it.  He then says
> "just bring it into your local factory rep, or we can EasyService it."  At
> that point I blew up - IBM has a pretty good service network, but the
> nearest facility is Christchurch, New Zealand (about an 8 hour military air
> flight from here) and FedEx definately does not deliver to Antarctica.
> So now I am stuck - I have a broken laptop, which IBM refused to deal with
> before I left CONUS, and now I can not get it fixed until after I return to
> the states - sometime in March of 1997.  In the mean time I get to carry
> around two machines (the Thinkpad and a 30+ lb Compaq luggable) because the
> Thinkpad can not do something as simple as a direct connect serial
> connection to another computer.
> Needless to say - I am not really thrilled with IBM and am seriously
> considering not buying IBM the next time around.  I spent good money for
> support when I bought the IBM, and IBM has not delivered.  I would like to
> "discuss" this with someone at IBM who is not a worker drone.  Any
> suggestions on contacts within their service or PC Co. organization?
> 	-=Chris
> --
> Chris Liljenstolpe, ASA - McMurdo Network Engineer
> Work 165/NOC, Tel X-2253, Pager #502     Res. 209/321, Tel X-2673
> mailto:cds@mcmurdo.gov                   mailto:cds@mcmsun5
> http://www.io.com/~cds/
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