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Re: 701 and NT 4.0

On Fri, 08 Nov 1996 01:50:01 GMT, epbrown wrote:

>	I'm also curious about Merlin, since my 2nd HDD uses Warp 3.0, though it
>works so well I'd have to hear RAVES to upgrade OS/2.

I don't know whether you have had any feedback on this yet, but I have been 
running a Merlin Beta for a week or two on a desktop system (Pentium 133) at 
work, but I won't be upgrading my version of Connect on my (own) TP (755cx).  
Although I like a number of the small improvements from Connect to Merlin I have 
the low price 755cx version with no MWave, so the voice navigation is of no benefit 
(& wouldn't warrant me buying a PCMCIA sound card), my requirement for Java 
support is (currently) negligible, and likewise OpenDOC, etc.

The big killer for me is that whereas Connect runs fairly happily on my TP with 
16MB, I very soon upgraded my desktop from 16MB to 32MB to get it to run like 
something other than treacle.  That done, however, I am perfectly happy with it.  
Now that I can get it in the UK at last, (at more or less the same price as Connect) 
I will get the commercial version for the desktop, but the small (for me) 
improvements with the much larger overheads requirement mean that I will stick 
with the (relatively!) slimline Connect for my TP.

Dr G P Hogan
Laser Group,  Clarendon Lab.,	Tel:  +44 1865 272205
Parks Road,  Oxford  OX1 3PU	Fax:  +44 1865 272400
UK				Email: g.hogan@physics.ox.ac.uk