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ThinkPad 755C unable to suspend/hibernate with Windows95


I have a ThinkPad 755C on which Windows95 was recently installed.  Under
WIndows for Workgroups 3.11, the Suspend function worked just great.  (I
never attempted Hibernate, due to lack of disk space to create the hibernation

However, now that I have installed Windows95 on this system, it refuses to
enter either the Suspend or the Hibernate state.  The symptoms are basically
that any attempt (e.g., closing the lid, using Fn-F4, using the Start menu's
Suspend button, using the PS2 utility's PS2 SUSpend command, or using the
Fuel Gauge's Suspend button) to suspend the laptop causes: the suspend LED
to start flashing; the hard disk LED to go on (solid) for 15 or 20 seconds;
the machine to emit a "beep"; the suspend LED to go off; the hard disk LED
to start flickering; the machine to emit a "blee-deep" sound; and then for
the machine to be alive and ready to continue working!

IBM has been no help at all.  I have ensured that the latest BIOS is installed
in the machine, that the latest ThinkPad utilities are installed, that I
have Advanced Power Management activated (and have tried both version 1.1 and
version 1.0), and anything else that I can think of.

Does anybody watching this mailing list have a ThinkPad 755C  running
that successfully suspends or hibernates?  If so, I would be quite grateful
if they would please contact me and help me discover how to accomplish this
rather desirable goal. 

Many thanks,