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Re: LINUX setup on TP755CD

There is a problem with having a swappable cdrom/floppy.  You need to copy
your disk sets (if you're using slackware) or your rpms if using redhat to
a DOS partition.  Then install off the DOS partition.

For Slackware I did this:

I copied disk sets a and d to a dos partition (I think you only need a).

I made a boot disk with a kernel that has ATAPI support.

I ran install and installed a and d from the DOS partion.

Reboot (swap in the CDROM before reboot)

run setup again and install from cd rom.  (/dev/hdc)

I don't think the kernel will let you hot swap the floppy and the CDROM
unless the CDROM is in the bay when the kernel boots up.

For RedHat:

I just copied the entire distribution (almost all) to a DOS partition but I
think you can get by with just the base rpm and the X rpm

Note:  RedHat needs to have X running for easy package installation after
the fact (unless you want to run the rpm command from the command line)

If you copy all the rpms to the DOS partition, you WON'T be able to copy
the ones with a + sign in the name (i.e g++).

I found the Redhat installation easier.

Hope this helps...


>FROM: Ulf Greifzu
>      IBM Berlin, Germany
>      ===================
>Subject: LINUX setup on TP755CD
>Hi folks,
>does anybody out there know which disk images to use (boot/root)
>when I want to get the interchangeable CD-ROM drive of the 755CD
>to work with Linux (means which ones to install ;-)?
>Any hints would be highly appreciated.
>Thanks and Regards
>Mit freundlichen Gr}~en / Best Regards              Ulf Greifzu
>>> internet:   greifzu9vnet.ibm.com or deibmrvw9ibmmail.com  <<
>>> VNET: BLNVM01(GREIFZU)          extern: IBMMAIL(DEIBMRVW) <<