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Re: Use of a modem on a digital (?) line...

On Mon, 21 Oct 1996 14:21:45 -0400, you wrote:

"IBM was advertising a line tester in the Computer Shopper a while back.
" It cost US$30 and would tell you whether a line was analog or digital.
"Another mobile computing specialist (I forget the name) also sells the
"tester for the same price.
	That'd be Mobile Planet (www.mplanet.com).  The Line tester is basically
a pen with an rj-11 jack in the tip.  You insert it and get a reading of
the line voltage, as PBXs are often higher than analogs.  Sells for $24.95
and popular with travelers.
"Maybe someone could post specifics on the converter?
	Another device from the Planet is the Office Konnector from Konnexx, a
small box with a jack in it; you plug the box into the line, then your
modem into the box.  Or get a Konnexx handset modem, like in the "old days"
which has the advantage of working on just about anything. 	
	These are also available from Notebook Supply Warehouse
	All this is in the Portable computing FAQ, mentioned in my .sig below.	
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