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Message received; away on vacation 10/7-10/11

I won't be checking messages until I return on 10/14. 
Michael Keihl                                   Oracle Corporation  
mkeihl@us.oracle.com                            (Server Technologies)  
Phone:	(415) 506 - 4557                        500 Oracle Parkway MS 659413 
Fax:	(415) 506 - 7203                        Redwood Shores, CA 94065  

---- Begin included message ----
The Thinkpad-Digest list is brought to you by Keith Moore.

To subscribe or unsubscribe, send mail to thinkpad-REQUEST@cs.utk.edu

Today's topics:

    Re: Buying a Thinkpad in the US  (mfukatsu@gauss.elee.calpoly.edu)
    755CE + Win 3.11 + Minimized Fuel Gauge Display  (billy@MIX.COM)
    Thinkpad 365X Dos box  (Chet Strebe)
    Re: List Admin Stuff  (Tony Apuzzo)
    Re: Thinkpad 760ED freezing problems  (John Pham)
    Re: Buying a Thinkpad in the US  (Guy W. Farrell)
    Re: External keyboards for Thinkpad Docks  (Joseph C. Wilson)
    Re: External keyboards for Thinkpad Docks  (Daniel Cerys)
    Re: External keyboards for Thinkpad Docks  (Joseph C. Wilson)
    Re: List Admin Stuff  (Keith Moore)
Date: Fri, 04 Oct 1996 09:36:14 -0800
From: <mfukatsu@gauss.elee.calpoly.edu>
To: Steve Hultquist <ssh@wwsi.com>
CC: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: Buying a Thinkpad in the US
Message-Id: <v02110101ae7afa5582af@[]>

I read in a number of newspapers and magazines that almost ALL laptops with
the new "thin" form factor are back ordered.  They said there are a few
places that have a couple in stock, but they are charging $300 to $500 more
due to the "demand"


>Anyone know where I can get a top-end 560 in-stock these days?  Any
>suggestions?  We'll be in Manhattan next week (for the Netscape Developers'
>Conference), so a place in the city might be quite good.
>We haven't been able to find it anywhere, yet!

Date: Fri, 04 Oct 1996 10:25:08 -0700
From: billy@MIX.COM
To: thinkpad@CS.UTK.EDU
Subject: 755CE + Win 3.11 + Minimized Fuel Gauge Display
Message-Id: <01IA8Q2A4FLG9X44OB@Opus1.COM>

I have a 755CE running Windows 3.11 and just added the cisco TCP/IP
software package.  Everything works fine except wen I open a telnet
window (or Mosaic sometimes) the minimized fuel gauge in the lower
left corner of the screen shows through the bottom of the telnet
screen.  If I shift input focus to the fuel gauge (by clicking on
it) then back to telnet (clicking on it) _then_ the fuel gauge
actually disappears underneath (except for the part of it not
covered in the first place).

Oddly there is a minimized clock just to its left that never
shows through.  Both of these are started from the windows start-up
program icon.

So - the question is, how do I make the fuel gauge not overwrite
anything fired up after it has minimized itself?  I am in the
custom power management mode and AC and CU are toggling in the
display but even so once I toggle the input focus ala the above
it stays underneath regardless.


Billy Y..

Date: Fri, 04 Oct 1996 13:34:13 -0500
From: Chet Strebe <chets@wctc.net>
To: thinkpad@CS.UTK.EDU
Subject: Thinkpad 365X Dos box
Message-Id: <325558A5.B10@wctc.net>

Hi all,

When I fire up a dos box on my 365X and switch to full screen it does
not take up the whole screen.  I'm left with a 2" black border all the
way around.  I've tried switching the video modes but nothing seems to
help.  Is there an updated video driver that I need?  Do I need to make
some other type of change?  BTW I'm running Win95.


In-Reply-To: <9610032119.AA27268@ig.cs.utk.edu>
Date: Fri, 04 Oct 1996 14:48:10 -0600
From: Tony Apuzzo <apuzzo@alumni.cs.colorado.edu>
To: Keith Moore <moore@cs.utk.edu>
CC: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: List Admin Stuff 
Message-Id: <Pine.SUN.3.93.961004143647.7996D-100000@alumni.cs.colorado.edu>

Firstly, this is my first post to the thinkpad list, I've been lurking
for about 2weeks now.  Overall this is one of the most solidly helpful
and cruft-free lists I've seen for a while, I'm impressed with the
caliber of the members!

On Thu, 3 Oct 1996, Keith Moore wrote:
> *Ack* I can't stand these things.  There's nothing more annoying than
> having precious screen space wasted by the same thing appearing on
> every subject line.
> Thinkpad list mail can already be sorted into folders using the
> "owner-thinkpad@cs.utk.edu" address in the Return-Path header.  (If
> your mailer doesn't supply the Return-Path header, it has a bug.  It's
> required by the mail standards...See RFCs 821 and 1123.)

I would prefer setting "Sender: owner-thinkpad@cs.utk.edu" if a user
wants to get a direct reply, they should set Reply-To.  Using "Sender:"
is what all my other mailing lists use.

Other than that, I like the way things are now


ObThinkpad: Any pointers on getting an IBM Ethernet Credit Card Adapter
	II to work with a 755CD (P75 bios 1.43) running W95?

In-Reply-To: tom.kustner@emjay.com (Tom Kustner)
	     "Thinkpad 760ED freezing problems" (Oct  3,  8:40pm)
Date: Fri, 04 Oct 1996 13:58:24 -0700
From: "John Pham" <johnp@lantronix.com>
To: tom.kustner@emjay.com (Tom Kustner)
CC: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: Thinkpad 760ED freezing problems
Message-Id: <961004135827.ZM13750@johnp>

Hi Tom,

I was the one who originally posted the message regarding the lock up 
problem with the 760ELD. In my case, it would locked up after extended 
use in the beginning but now will just lock up if I moved it from a desk 
to my lap.

If you could let everyone know what your technician find out regarding 
this problem, I think it'll be appreciated. 

Best regards,


On Oct 3,  8:40pm, Tom Kustner wrote:
> Subject: Thinkpad 760ED freezing problems
> I am putting out a general call to see if anyone else is having a
> problem of the following nature:
> After being on and actively used (no hibernation) for 3-6 hours, our
> Thinkpad 760ED freezes up.  No error message, no GPF, nothing.  It is
> just simply frozen.  The only option is to turn the machine off and
> on.  Doing a BIOS test shows all components as being OK.  This still
> occurs even after upgrading to the latest BIOS (v1.02).  I have Dr.
> Watson running and so sometimes, he pops up when we are actively using
> a specific application, but his message justs says "Application X had
> a "Unknown" fault at...".
> While I have not seen this problem reported here, someone the other
> day in the comp.sys.laptops Usenet group reported that they returned
> twenty-three 760ELD machines to IBM because of a similar problem that
> occurred in DOS, Unix, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, etc. and was
> unresolvable.  This story was in response to another user who
> reported, among other things, at having the freeze problem.
> A technician for our vendor, who has a *lot* of experience with these
> Thinkpads, is checking into the problem, though he hasn't had problems
> like this himself with Windows 3.1 or Windows 95.
> If anyone has had this problem and resolved it, could you please let
> me know?  I have never heard of problems like this with the 760C
> series and can only guess it exists with some of the 760E models.
> Either that, or a number of us are shooting ourselves in the foot
> unknowingly.  Any help would be appreciated.
> Tom Kustner
> Tom Kustner                   Emjay Corporation    
> System/LAN Administrator      725 W. Glendale Ave.
> Email: tom.kustner@emjay.com  Glendale, WI  53209-6509  USA
> Any opinions are mine and not necessarily those of Emjay's.
>-- End of excerpt from Tom Kustner


	| John Pham                Phone: (800) 422-7044       | 
	| Lantronix Systems Engr.         (714) 453-7107       | 
	| 15353 Barranca Parkway   Fax:   (714) 450-7226       |
	| Irvine, CA  92718        Email: johnp@lantronix.com  |


Date: Fri, 04 Oct 1996 17:04:56 -0500
From: "Guy W. Farrell" <gfarrell@oasis.vpia.uconn.edu>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: Buying a Thinkpad in the US
Message-Id: <A494B86CBB@oasis.vpia.uconn.edu>

> >Anyone know where I can get a top-end 560 in-stock these days?  Any
> >suggestions?  We'll be in Manhattan next week (for the Netscape Developers'
> >Conference), so a place in the city might be quite good.
> >
> >We haven't been able to find it anywhere, yet!
> >
> >Cheers,
> >ssh

UConn  CoOp had 'em a month ago, but I don't check on a regular 
basis.  We're also a few hours outside NYC.

Guy W. Farrell
Network Coordinator                (860)486-5000
The UConn Foundation, Inc.         (800)269-9965
U-Box 206
Storrs, CT 06269-4190

E-mail: gfarrell@oasis.vpia.uconn.edu

Computer Support for Institutional Advancement
Date: Fri, 04 Oct 1996 16:20:41 -0500
From: "Joseph C. Wilson" <jcwilso@ibm.net>
Reply-To: jcwilso@ibm.net
To: tp750@CS.UTK.EDU
Subject: Re: External keyboards for Thinkpad Docks
Message-Id: <32557FA9.1594@ibm.net>


I have the extended TP keyboard w/ the trackpoint and love it.  It would
be very hard to use anything else now.  It is extremely rugged (it has
survived several 2-3 foot drops from my keyboard tray to the hard floor
plus a beer spilled in the early days).  Having the TrackPoint is a huge
plus for me as I find using a mouse very awkward after getting used to
the point on my 755cx and external keyboard.

On the downside,  they are pretty expensive.  When you think you can get
a decent keyboard for $25-30 the $100 plus for the extended keyboard is
pretty stiff.  For me the investment was worth it.

Good luck (BTW,  I use the keyboard w/ a Dock II).

Joe Wilson
Milwaukee,  WI

In-Reply-To: <32557FA9.1594@ibm.net>
Date: Fri, 04 Oct 1996 18:20:13 -0400
From: Daniel Cerys <cerys@bbn.com>
To: jcwilso@ibm.net
CC: tp750@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: External keyboards for Thinkpad Docks
Message-Id: <199610042220.SAA21730@doppleboch.bbn.com>

Joseph C. Wilson wrote on 4 October 1996:
 > Dan,
 > I have the extended TP keyboard w/ the trackpoint and love it.  It would
 > be very hard to use anything else now.  It is extremely rugged (it has
 > survived several 2-3 foot drops from my keyboard tray to the hard floor
 > plus a beer spilled in the early days).  Having the TrackPoint is a huge
 > plus for me as I find using a mouse very awkward after getting used to
 > the point on my 755cx and external keyboard.
 > On the downside,  they are pretty expensive.  When you think you can get
 > a decent keyboard for $25-30 the $100 plus for the extended keyboard is
 > pretty stiff.  For me the investment was worth it.
 > Good luck (BTW,  I use the keyboard w/ a Dock II).


I really like the feel of the internal keyboard on my 760CD.  Do you know
whether the extended TP keyboards have the same feel & response as the
recent vintage Thinkpads (e.g., 760CD)?


Daniel Cerys         Email: cerys@bbn.com
BBN                  Work Phone: +1(617)873-4534
10 Moulton St.       FAX:        +1(617)873-2794
Mail Stop 6/4A              
Cambridge MA 02138
Date: Fri, 04 Oct 1996 20:01:53 -0500
From: "Joseph C. Wilson" <jcwilso@ibm.net>
Reply-To: jcwilso@ibm.net
To: tp750@CS.UTK.EDU, Daniel Cerys <cerys@bbn.com>
Subject: Re: External keyboards for Thinkpad Docks
Message-Id: <3255B381.43C7@ibm.net>

> I really like the feel of the internal keyboard on my 760CD.  Do you know
> whether the extended TP keyboards have the same feel & response as the
> recent vintage Thinkpads (e.g., 760CD)?


Haven't tried a 760/560 so I can't say for sure.  There is a lot more
key travel on the keyboard than on my 755cx. Both have excellent tactile
feel.  The "buckling spring" keyboard is unlike (and preferable to) 
any other keyboard I have used.  Newer IBM keyboards (desktops) don't
have the buckling spring and I feel they are inferior to the older, 
higher quality (IMHO), ones.

Joe Wilson
Milwaukee,  WI

In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 04 Oct 1996 14:48:10 MDT."
Date: Fri, 04 Oct 1996 21:19:28 -0400
From: Keith Moore <moore@cs.utk.edu>
Reply-To: moore@cs.utk.edu
To: Tony Apuzzo <apuzzo@alumni.cs.colorado.edu>
CC: Keith Moore <moore@cs.utk.edu>, thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Re: List Admin Stuff 
Message-Id: <9610050119.AA01225@ig.cs.utk.edu>

> I would prefer setting "Sender: owner-thinkpad@cs.utk.edu" if a user
> wants to get a direct reply, they should set Reply-To.  Using "Sender:"
> is what all my other mailing lists use.

Sender is supposed to contain the address of the original sender 
of the message.  RFC 822 allows for the possibility of a message
sent on behalf of someone else, or on behalf of multiple people.
In those cases, Sender is the address of the person who actually
sends the message, while From is the address(es) of the person/people
on whose behalf the message is sent.

Yes, a lot of lists do misuse Sender so that it contains the address 
of the list maintainer.  I refuse to contribute to this degradation 
of the protocol.

[replies directed to me; this isn't on topic for the list]

---- End included message ----