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Re: List Admin Stuff

> I would like to propose to the list and its administrator the addition of a
> couple of things to the header and signature file which will be added to all
> messages that are sent to the list:
> 1.  the subject line should get a "thinkpad:" to distinguish its source,
> making the sorting of mail easier, and knowing its origin by a simple glance.

*Ack* I can't stand these things.  There's nothing more annoying than
having precious screen space wasted by the same thing appearing on
every subject line.

Thinkpad list mail can already be sorted into folders using the
"owner-thinkpad@cs.utk.edu" address in the Return-Path header.  (If
your mailer doesn't supply the Return-Path header, it has a bug.  It's
required by the mail standards...See RFCs 821 and 1123.)

You can also send mail to thinkpad-request@cs.utk.edu and ask to get
the thinkpad list in digest format.

(The *best* way by far to sort list mail is by sub-addressing,
e.g. subscribing to the list at username+folder@domain, but not
everyone supports that yet.)

> 2. "(c) Sender's name <sender@foo.com> -- thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
> For help send a message to THINKPAD-REQUEST@CS.UTK.EDU with help in the
> subject line"

People can add copyright messages to their mail if they want to, but
posting a message to the list is implicit permission for it to be
redistributed to list members.  

The list can't add a copyright message on anyone else's behalf; to do
so would be presumptive of the author's intent.

> or reference to a simple web page that would contain the subsciption info
> and archive info (ie: For help see http://www.cs.utk.edu/foo/bar)

Okay, I'll add some sort of header or trailier with this information.

> the (c) thing is for copywrite, todays lawyers are getting to be such pains
> in the ass, we sould cover our buts.

No, we should run them out of town on a rail.  :)

> It seems to me that people 'forget' where thay put their subscription
> request and bother the list with 'unsub me posts.'  This seems to happen in
> spurts and this is has been one of those periods.

The list software tries to filter those out, but doesn't always
succeed.  It usually works fine when people simply say "unsubscribe",
not so well when someone says "can anyone tell me how to get off this
