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Win 95 and 701c

        Randy you were right.  The plunge into Win 95 was totally painless.
It installed without a single error message and everything is working.  Even
a copy of PhotoShop 3.0 which is not supposed to work, does.  I installed
the 95 dialer along with the 32 bit versions of Netscape 3.0 and Eudora Pro
2.2.  All loaded fine and seem to be working great.  I have not tried the
Win 95 version of the PCMCIA drivers yet because some of the text files I've
read, say the laptop's suspend function doesn't put the PC cards to sleep.
The old IBM, DOS drivers, do.  I might try them out this weekend.  I must
say I have never had such a painless software install than this one.  I too
have used both OS/2 2.1 and 3.0.  Now there's a somewhat painful software to
install.  In the end I was able to get it right but the windows
compatibility boxes drove me crazy.  Anyways, thanks for the push...
 Bill Bryan, Livonia, MI - billb@rust.net - N8QPI - www.rust.net/~billb
 Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions
 three ere the other side he see."             Bridgekeeper, Holy Grail