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Re: Win 95 and 701c

At 12:16 AM 8/31/96 -0400, Bill Bryan wrote:
>        Randy you were right.  The plunge into Win 95 was totally painless.

        Told ya so!  ;-)

>It installed without a single error message and everything is working.  Even
>a copy of PhotoShop 3.0 which is not supposed to work, does.  I installed

        By the way, there's an "updated" version of PhotoShop (3.0.1?) from
Adobe you can get to work more natively with Win 95.  Costs about $20.

>Win 95 version of the PCMCIA drivers yet because some of the text files I've
>read, say the laptop's suspend function doesn't put the PC cards to sleep.
>The old IBM, DOS drivers, do.

        I think you might have misread the warning.  The Win 95 PCMCIA
drivers don't have the same power management capabilities as the IBM DOS
drivers do.  My 701 hibernates & suspends just fine with the Win 95 PCMCIA
drivers.  As for power, if you like, you can always whip up that on-the-fly
BIOS thing in the 701 and tell it to shut off the power to the PCMCIA cards.

        At any rate, you can install the Win 95 drivers and see what you
think, then go back to your DOS ones if you like.  Just a matter of taste.

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
USC Graduate School of Business    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle