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Re: TP 560

At 07:41 PM 8/30/96 -0400, Boris wrote:

>>        I'm interested in finding out exactly what Boris thinks is "silly"
>>about the 560?
>Well, I think "silly" may have been too strong a word.  I think some of
>the port covers on it are clumsy (not as bad as the disk port on my 701).

        Really?  I think they are wonderful, with the exception of that
rubber stopper on the back.  The hinged covers on the sides are great!

>I think that the non removable HD, no modem, and the removal of power functions
>in the BIOS (as opposed to the 701) were major oversights on IBMs part.

        Non-Removable HD:  I agree with that.  John Kim & I have discussed
this and he believes that making it removable would have increased the
thickness too much (extra space for the caddy, etc.).

        No Modem:  No argument from me.  In my case it didn't hurt me since
I already had a PCMCIA modem I was using in the 701 (which I had used in my

        Power Functions in the BIOS a la 701:  Much agreed, but as has been
shown--no other ThinkPad has *ever* had this the way the 701 has.  I do
think its a step back not to include it in future TP's the way they did in
the 701, but its really no worse than the 760's are in this sense (though
the 760 has that LCD).

        It takes a little memory & etc., but it's still functional to use
the "Fuel" software.  I've gotten used to it.  But like you, I prefer the
701's method of doing it.

>With this said, I think its a great machine, I think it just could have been
>a lot better, that's all. 

        I think it could have been made better too.  A "lot" better?  I
guess that's a question of degree.  Somewhat better, yes--but I'm not sure
I'd say a "lot" better.

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
USC Graduate School of Business    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle