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MWave Modem 760E

Hello folks,

I bought a Thinkpad 760E (mailorder from USA) and would like to use the 
internal modem in Switzerland. Can someone tell me whether it is possible
to connect the line directly to my TP or do I really need the DAA-Kit?
I tested a PCMCIA modem, also shipped from USA, and it worked fine with
the Swiss Telecom. Is there a difference between the internal MWave modem
and other modems, or what is the difference?

Thanks for any help


| Rene Huesler                           |                                |
| Swiss Federal Institute of Technology  | Phone:  (-41) 1 632 51 43      |
| Electronics Laboratory ETZ H64         |                                |
| Gloriastrasse 35                       |   FAX:  (-41) 1 632 12 10      |
|                                        |                                |
| CH-8092 Zurich                         | Email: huesler@ife.ee.ethz.ch  |