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Re: 701 modem (audio/modem fix) NOT

hi there...

At 22:20 29.08.96 -0700, you wrote:

>At 02:40 PM 8/28/96 -0700, Peckham Engineering wrote:
>>sound driver from the IBM web page, and it seems to have cured
>>my modem. 
>>The file is af701951.exe. [...]

>        Weird that this fixed your modem...

it didn't for me, though. loaded it yesterday and that
evening, I was disconnected after 5 minutes, just as
surest thing for me still seems to be waiting till the
darned modem has the right temperature, which will take
longer and longer now with winter coming...

glad it worked for you, though...


.                 Axel Hartmann                                       .
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