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RedHat & HD (was: Netscape keeps HD from sleeping)

On Sun, 18 Aug 1996, Chris Osborn wrote:

> What is Netscape doing that is preventing the HD from sleeping?

Go to options->network and set the disk cache size to 0k.
You may want to bump up the RAM cache while you're there.

Unfortunately, this seems to make Netscape unstable under
MS-Windows and SGI/IRIX.  It seems more stable under Linux,
but RedHat Linux hits the disk frequently anyway, so it's
of limited value.

Speaking of which, has anyone figured out how to keep RedHat
from waking the hard disk so often?  I moved recently and lost
my dorm's ethernet connection.  I found that if I don't run
the network stuff in init.d, RedHat stops waking the hard disk.
I haven't had a chance to track down the exact cause.
John H. Kim       "I stop for red traffic lights" -- bumper sticker 
jokim@mit.edu     commissioned by the City of Boston as part of a
MIT Sea Grant     campaign to shed its reputation for bad drivers.