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Re: Users are not very mobile with IBM Mwave?

On Mon, 12 Aug 1996, Mikael Bendtsen wrote:

>      The thing is, they're not very pleased with the built-in Mwave modem 
>      since they need a new DAA Kit to almost every country. Not only 
>      because it costs money, it costs time too. These kits can be very hard 
>      to get, and to get in time. As you understand, it's not that good if 
>      you get your Japanese DAA Kit the week after you left Japan.
	About a week ago, I posted a query regarding the operability of 
the internal modem in the TP701 over the French phone system and received a 
number of replies that made me think that there would be no problem. 
(This was after dozens of queries made to as many sources).
	Now it seems that perhaps the problem was not solved.  Are we 
talking about the same modem?  
	And what on earth is a DAA?  All I know is that it stands for 
Data Access Arrangement -- an odd name when you think about it.  I know 
that some of IBM's PCMCIA fax modems have a built in DAA and others 
external DAA, presumably software of some sort.  I've even been told by 
some presumably knowledgeable person that it was just the adapter gizmo 
with the French telephone plug configuration on one end, RJ-11 on the other.
	At one time the TP Support rep told me to get in touch with 
TeleAdapt.  What TeleAdapt will sell you for $50 is the above mentioned 
adapter (25F in Paris, perhaps less in the US), instructions for manual 
dialing, some kind of tester (not the ModemSaver which guards against 
digital lines).

Larry Gushee