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Re: Oh Sh#% I dropped my ThinkPad!

Russell, Mark S <msrussel@ingr.com> wrote:
|> As I sit feeling like dirt for being so stupid to drop it (I forgot to
|> zip the bag),

Been there-done that. Went flying down the steps of the subway. It was
really quite beautiful, like a shower of black fireworks. Sure could have
used a broom to help pick it up.

At least it still works for you.

One thought, that I hope others on the list will comment on.
Maybe best to send to IBM ``for review''. This way they can note what is
and isn't wrong with it, so that if something happens to it that's not
your fault, they can't say ``must have happened when you dropped it''.

You would probably have to pay a couple-$100 for this, but the insurance
might be worth it.

|> 2. Has anybody ever replaced the base case on a TP? I assume this must
|> cost at least an arm & probably a leg too.

When I had mine fixed, they redid the base, the whole screen, and some of
the internal parts. Whole thing was $2700, over half of which was the
