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Re: New Member to list....

> > > I am also (just now) installing Linux (intel version of
> > > Unix) on a 340 Mb hd just to gain some experience with 
> > > Unix. (yeah, i know....i'm a glutton for punishment!!)
> if you guys touch off a flame war, i'm unsubscribing.  =)
> seriously, though, i would mention that linux is a great OS
> but it's one of the weirder variants of UNIX, and you should
> remember that when putting "UNIX experience" on your resume.

I would love to know why you think Linux is one of the weider
variants of Unix.  For the record I can't think of any reason
to state this.  Its no more strange than BSD, System V, AIX,
...  Sure its not the same as any of them but then again none
of them are the same!  Having used BSD, System V, and SCO Unix
I find Linux a nice middle ground.  Kind of the best of both
worlds (System V and BSD).

> after 8 years of UNIX systems administration experience,
> i rate Linux very highly for its usability and port-to-ability. 
> i'm running it right now on my TP760.  i do wish that X 
> windows wasn't so stupid in its management of color tables ...
> and everything else, for that matter.  but X windows is 
> probably the most standardized part of Linux.  if i could
> just get all 16 bits of color (or however many my screen really
> supports) out of Linux, i'd probably turn my Windows 
> partition into swap ... i guess i'll just wait patiently
> for the next release of XFree86.

Or you could use one of the commercial X servers which support many
more cards and video modes.  They are only about $99 bucks.  Or
you can buy the Caldera Linux release which comes with Accelerated-X
which is a good commercial X server.

> -mykle-

Brad Pepers                             Proud supporter of Linux in
Ramparts Management Group Ltd.          Canada!
http://www.agt.net/public/ramparts      Linux rules!