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TP701 & Windows NT 3.51 anyone?

Just wondering, has anyone installed win NT 3.51 on their 701's yet? does it
does NT support the built in sound, modem, etc?
can you still hibernate/suspend with win nt? 
I have about 20,000 very small files on the hard disk (about 1.2 to 2.5 k
each) (720 meg hd) and it's wasting about 200 to 250 megs of disk space, I
was thinking about formatting the drive to NTFS so each sector is only 512
bytes instead of 16k under FAT
and leaving a 25 meg FAT partition for the hibernation file, anyone tried
this? does it work? thanks!


Jack Shu	jshu@ecs.umass.edu
University of Massachusetts
College of Engineering
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