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RE: TP755CD, Linux - sound and CD-ROM problems

Fire up Win95 in prompt session loading the mwave and cdrom drivers, and
load Linux using LOADLIN. Should work like a charm.

	Regards, Alan

> From: Michael Fukatsu
> To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
> Subject: TP755CD, Linux - sound and CD-ROM problems
> Date: Wednesday, May 29, 1996 5:04 PM
> Hi,
> I've been listening in on the list for a while figured it's time to ask 
> some questions.  I have a TP755CD, with 75Mhz pentium, 8M RAM, 1.2G HD, 
> and I am running Win95 and Linux.  I've been folloing around with Linux 
> for about 6months now, and I just reinstalled my entire Linux System 
> recently.
> My problem is that I've never been able to get my CD-ROM and Sound to 
> work.  It's been driving me crazy!  I've read that it can be done, but 
> I've never seen anyone say exactly how they did it.  I have the April 96

> developer's resource, and I would like to be able to USE it!
> Thanks,
> Mike
> --
> mfukatsu@hertz.elee.calpoly.edu
> mfukatsu@cymbal.aix.calpoly.edu
> http://www.elee.calpoly.edu/~mfukatsu/