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Re: ThinkPad 701C battery, 25H4861 or 25H4862?

> I just ordered an extra battery for my ThinkPad 701C, and get a
> battery which has IBM part number 25H4861. That is the same number of
> the original battery which comes with my 701C. But when I check IBM
> web page for the battery part number, it says 25H4862 is the correct
> battery to be used with the 701C. I can't even find any information
> about the 25H4861 there.

I don't have a 701, but this is probably a case of the IBM Part # vs. 
the FRU # for the battery.  IBM assigns both a part # and an FRU # to 
every stinking item they have.  I don't know the logistics of why 
they do this, but on many parts they are consecutively numbered.  For 
example, when I was looking for a 16MB DRAM card for my 755CD, the 
IBM web site said that the correct IBM card was 66G0094.  The card 
that I found was part # 66G0093, but FRU# 66G0094.  Both numbers were 
on the card.  IBM only seems to care about the FRU #.  I called tech 
support to very that my DRAM card was correct, and the tech explained 
to me that they usually refer to the FRU # for most everything.

My guess is that your battery is part # 25H4861 and FRU # 25H4862.  
Check the label, or package, carefully and see if you can find both.

Good luck,

Tony Staples                       Motion Motorsports
mr.horsepower@piedmont.net         Three time ROAR National Champs!
"Nothing like a little horsepower to brighten your day!"