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Re: mwave (US) on the European continent?

I have a US machine (TP755CE) and I'm having absolute no problems 
whatsoever over here in the Netherlands. I only had to disable dial-tone 
detection ('ATX3' if I think - haven't looked at the extra command 
dialogbox for a long time). For the rest it functions OK, and over here 
we use the same telephone connectors as in the US. The socket in the 
wall may be different, but all other connections - to the phone, TAM - 
are made with those little jacks (RJ-11?).

At the moment my only trouble is that right now I do not have a fax 
program working; for some reason FaxWorks gives an error message, and 
quits immediatly? I think it worked before I upgraded to MWave 2.00 and 
2.10 under Win95.

                                         _/     _/ _/    _/
Maarten <M.v.d.Velde@ele.tue.nl>        _/_/ _/_/ _/    _/
'Adopt, adapt, and improve - M.Python' _/  _/ _/  _/  _/
Eindhoven University of Technology:   _/     _/    _/