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Re: is MWave DOS really needed for MWave 2.10 for Win95

At 18:51 13-02-96 EST, scott.newman@fulcrum.com wrote:
>     Ok.  Here's a potentially stupid question.  The official documentation 
>     for the MWave 2.10 for Win95 says that MWave for DOS 2.0 must be 
>     installed in advance.  (The stupid part is why would anyone question 
>     the official documentation--on the other hand...)  I believe I've seen 
>     at least one posting that the Win95 stuff didn't seem to really need 
>     the DOS stuff.  Can anyone confirm this?

I commented out the mwd stuff from my autoexec.bat with no ill effects.  But
bear in mind that I do not run DOS based games that require SoundBlaster
capability.  I have no idea if the new v2.10 Win95 drivers properly tunnel
that mode.

-- Kurtis D. Rader, x8,3714
-- Sr. Technical Consultant
-- (currently in Tokyo, Japan)