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760C problems

I have been working on a 760C for about a month.  Lots of small
problems.  But I hope some reader of the newsgroup can help me
with the following big ones.  Some of these may have been
discussed in earlier months, before I joined the newsgroup.  If
people recall such discussion, could they point me in the right
direction?  Thanks for all help.

1.  The hard disk in my machine (760 Meg) makes a continuous
whine.  I sent the machine back on EasyServe, and they replaced
the HDD.  But the technician observed that the new one made the
same sound, and that "this is a problem IBM will have to address."
I assume this means I am not the only person with the problem.
Anyone else have success getting IBM to rectify it?  

2.  The keyboard on my 760C has a mushy feel unlike any other
ThinkPad keyboard I've ever tried.  EasyServe
replaced the keyboard too, but the new one has exactly the
same feel.  About one time out of three, the space bar doesn't
register a space:  I have to really beat on it.  The other keys
also skip sometimes.  Anyone have this problem?  Any fixes?

3.  When I am working in Windows (3.11) with Winword (6.0C)
and put the machine into Suspend mode (Fn+F4), or when the machine
goes into Suspend according to the ThinkPad Features time out
that I set, I get a page fault when I resume:  "Progman caused
a Page Fault in module MWMPARSW.DLL at 0007:0450".  
The machine goes belly-up until I reboot.  This happens
regularly under the conditions described.  Any ideas on
how to prevent this?

I'd be grateful for any assistance with these.

Dick Terdiman