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Re: My review and experiences w/ 760CD

> If similar to my 755cx, there should be a reset hole in the back,
> next to the docking port. I've had to press it a few times.
  I guess the point it that I shouldn't have had to do
  what I did.  The power button should be able to
  bring it back up instead of "reset=cold reset", "power button=
  warm reset and it may still be wedged".

> |> 4) There is no uninstall program for all the software they give
> |> you
> sure, it's called "format" :-)
  I still have to clean up some of the junk on C:.  I just didn't
  want to bring the whole system down by formatting...


p.s., I'm probably going to drop my review onto a web page
because it has some useful undocumented install tips (especially
since IBM tech support only supports the installed operating
systems).  If anyone else has some good install tips for different
operating systems, let me know.  Or if anyone else gets the
MPEG2 hardware to do anything else but play their True Lies
p.p.s., Xircom got back to me on how to get their IIps card working
under Warp Connect (it involves changing the parameters to
the ibm02ss.sys file in the config.sys).  I can now go into Warp
Connect without hanging, though only at quarter thruster speed
because of the 8MB of memory :-(
ftp transfers on a non-busy ethernet clock in at around 419KB/sec
which is decently fast.