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Re: My review and experiences w/ 760CD

At 09:25 PM 1/9/96 EST, Kenneth Yee wrote:
>The following is a summary of my experiences w/ my 760CD
>which I got just before X-mas ;-)

Lucky stiff!

>1) MPEG2
>The Thinkpad also comes
>installed w/ 256 color drivers whereas the demo needs 64K color
>drivers...no idea why IBM didn't install 64K color video drivers
>as the default.

Simple: Performance. The 256 is a lot faster, especially when you're driving
an external display.

>2) 12.1" Screen
>One interesting thing to
>note is that the manual for the thinkpad lists the specs on the
>display as being able to show 16.7M colors.  Could it be that the
>chipset VRAM is limiting the display capabilities?

Yep. *sigh*

>4) Mwave
>Under OS/2 Warp Connect loses characters according to the slip
>program.  It can't write characters to the Mwave driver
>(possibly because of the heavy swapping) at times.  The
>modem doesn't like hooking to Hayes 28.8K modems at full speed
>but a Microcom Deskporte EP I have does.  It hooks up to USR
>28.8K modems with no problems.

Make sure you have the latest Warp fixes for serial ports and SLIP/PPP.

>5) I can overrun the key rollover buffer in the keyboard.  I
>don't have a problem w/ my desktop's Northgate keyboard.

Is this really the hardware or the OS?

Thanks very much for the review. I'm planning to buy the next high-end
ThinkPad out of the shoot, and you've got me drooling!

Steve Hultquist                                Worldwide Solutions, Inc.
Distributed Systems and Internet Engineering           Boulder, Colorado