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Floppy drive and DOCK I


	I was wondering if anyone has used the floppy port on the DOCK I 
for the ThinkPad 75X. Does anyone know if IBM uses a standard floppy 
interface in the TP's.... 
 	 Basically what i want to do is hook up a tape backup   
thru the Docking Station's floppy connection on the back. I got the
tape drive for free, but it is the kind that connects to an empty floopy
connector. If anyone has done any kind of "okie rigging" to the Dock I,
 i'd like to talk to you.    :)  


P.S. Merry Christmas and a "floopy" New Year.. [g] 

john           used to be (ggomez@vms1.cc.uop.edu)

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First-Year Transfer-Trogan !!        Fight on !
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