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(fwd) WWW: Linux Laptop Home Page

As some people plan to run Linux on their TP75X I thought it might be useful to
forward this announcement. Those already running Linux will know this page anyway.
As to TPs it seems to me that there is nothing new - it's just a new address.

Christoph Eyrich


>                                 Announcement
>                                 ------------
>                          The Linux Laptop Home Page
>                          ==========================
>       The new Linux Laptop Home Page is a collection of pointers to
> internet resources of specific interest to those who want to run the Linux
> operating system on their laptop or notebook computer.  It is located at:
>             http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/linux-laptop/
>      Some of the information indexed from this page includes documents
> that detail the setup of Linux on IBM Thinkpads, Compaq Contura Aeros, NEC
> Versas, Tadpole P1000s, and Texas Instruments TravelMate 4000Ms, links to
> magazines and newsletters of interest to laptop users, information about
> using PCMCIA devices in Linux, information about power management, video
> chipsets and X, sound cards, and more.
>      Questions, comments, or suggestions should be sent to the Linux
> Laptop Home Page maintainer, Ken Harker, at kharker@cs.utexas.edu.
> - ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Kenneth E. Harker                               kharker@cs.utexas.edu
> University of Texas at Austin                  
> Department of the Computer Sciences               Amateur call: N1PVB
> Taylor Hall TAY 2.124       
> Austin, TX 78712-1188 USA     http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/
> - ---------------------------------------------------------------------