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Help!!!! LAN Connections

Sorry if this is repetitive mail, but lately I've had some problems with my 
mail connections and I don't know if this message was properly sent to the 
list.  Any help would be appreciated.


I would like some advice and / or hear of any experiences you have connecting 
your notebook to various networks.

I have a Thinkpad 755CX running Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (yes, still) to 
remain compatible with my client.  I have a 3Com Etherlink 3C589 PCMCIA network 
card and loading 3COM's Novell VLM drivers to connect to by client's Novell 
3.12 network.  

My problem is that I want to connect to my P-90 computer at home to share 
the tape backup unit and CD-ROM drive.  Most importantly, the tape back-up for 
obvious reasons.  I have Windows for Workgroups running on the P-90 but have 
not installed the peer-to-peer network drivers since I don't know if this is 
the best way to go.  One of my assoicates says the peer-to-peer services in 
WFWG is messy as it modifies my WIN.INI / SYSTEM.INI files and I may not be 
able to connect to my client's Novell server anymore.

The bottom line is that I don't want messier INI files if I don't have to and 
would rather add another boot configuration that loads drivers outside of 
Windows.  With this, I can isolate and manage my network configurations outside 
of Windows.  I'm inching closer and closer to installing Lantastic on both my 
notebook and P-90 but would like to hear anyone's experiences on this matter.

Being an independent consultant, I cannot risk any down time with my notebook 
and desparately need to back-up the hard drive.

Thanks in advance... patrick

        Patrick Hong Systems Management & Consulting Inc.

        phong@phsmc.synapse.net            (613) 769-1544