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WIN95: Help...

I was very surprised as to the (relative) ease of installation of Win95
over an ethernet PCMCIA card on my TP750Cs.  As soon as I figured out
what i needed and got the Win95 driver for my card, everything was almost
perfect... I did have to transmit data via SneakerNet (tm) between the
two computers for one part of the installation, but I needed the exercise
anyway :)

Now, here's the problem:
The Microsoft Internet explorer for some reason allows you to use c:\
as a directory for the cache (BAD IDEA)  If you then decide to change that
and in the process believe that you can erase only the cached files by using
the "Clear Directory" command from within the viewer, Things go very bad...

The program just decided to erase everything on my c:\ except for the swap 
file... I did "sys" the drive from my boot floppy, but I have lost all
the other files.  I looked at the startup files from the desktop, and
managed to get to a prompt on my computer (by copying the atuoexec.bat
and config.sys files) but 1) Windows won't start automatically and
worst yet, 2) If I type "win" I get the logo screen, but then the system
crashes after loading the Modem, and before loading the Netcard (It loads
one of them) 

Is anyone out there using Win95 PCMCIA drivers? can you tell me what you have 
on the c:\ directoy? What about your autoexec.bat and config.sys files?

I'd appreciate any help you can offer, since I'm stuck w/o a working system
right now....



Arturo J. Morales      (RPI '94)   |  art@aars.mit.edu
Department of Biology              | Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology 
http://minihelix.mit.edu/top.html  |