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Re: WIN95: Help... (Update)

On Oct 9, 12:05pm, Arturo J. Morales wrote:
> Subject: WIN95: Help...
> I was very surprised as to the (relative) ease of installation of Win95
> over an ethernet PCMCIA card on my TP750Cs.  As soon as I figured out
> what i needed and got the Win95 driver for my card, everything was almost
> perfect... I did have to transmit data via SneakerNet (tm) between the
> two computers for one part of the installation, but I needed the exercise
> anyway :)
> Now, here's the problem:
> The Microsoft Internet explorer for some reason allows you to use c:\
> as a directory for the cache (BAD IDEA)  If you then decide to change that
> and in the process believe that you can erase only the cached files by using
> the "Clear Directory" command from within the viewer, Things go very bad...
> The program just decided to erase everything on my c:\ except for the swap
> file... I did "sys" the drive from my boot floppy, but I have lost all
> the other files.  I looked at the startup files from the desktop, and
> managed to get to a prompt on my computer (by copying the atuoexec.bat
> and config.sys files) but 1) Windows won't start automatically and
> worst yet, 2) If I type "win" I get the logo screen, but then the system
> crashes after loading the Modem, and before loading the Netcard (It loads
> one of them)
> Is anyone out there using Win95 PCMCIA drivers? can you tell me what you have
> on the c:\ directoy? What about your autoexec.bat and config.sys files?
> I'd appreciate any help you can offer, since I'm stuck w/o a working system
> right now....

I tried to eject the network card and and reboot, but i get the same message:
Something is missing related to VFAT.  I looked into the resource kit to try
and figure out what this means, but no luck...

Thanks again in advance...


Arturo J. Morales      (RPI '94)   |  art@aars.mit.edu
Department of Biology              | Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology 
http://minihelix.mit.edu/top.html  |