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ram increase

   Date: Thu, 28 Sep 1995 09:47:06 -0700
   From: "Gary E. Jacobs" <gjacobs@qualcomm.com>

   At 01:23 PM 9/27/95 -0400, Chris Hanson wrote:
   >   Date: Wed, 27 Sep 95 13:21:40 -0400
   >   From: dewar@nile.gnat.com (Robert Dewar)
   >   can you give the souce for the $1124 for th Kingston 32 meg card, was this
   >   new? it seems definitely below market prices.
   >This is a new part from Impediment Inc.; call 617-834-3800 or see
   >their web page at http://www.impediment.com/.
   I called today and they would not quote me this price.  They said it was
   $100 less than Kingston sells it to them.  Alex quoted $1345.00.

Gee... that's definitely the price that I heard (I've submitted a
purchase requisition to order one).  I don't know what's going on.

I've sent email to Alex to see what's up.  I'll forward the answer.