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Installing Linux on a TP-750Cs --- BIOS32 Extensions?

I need help installing Linux on a TP750Cs.

I've been lent a TP750Cs on which I want to run Linux to support my
PhD research.  I've been trying to install Slakware 2.3 with kernel
1.2.8, but when I try to boot, I get a message saying 

"No BIOS32 Extensions found.  This release still depend on them. Sorry."

and thing just fizzle out soon afterward.

Can someone tell me what this means and if there is a way to get
around it? 



Peter Olsen, P.E.,                                        pcolsen@acm.org
        P.O. Box 410, Simpsonville, MD 21150-0410 USA, 410-997-8584
       "Engineering is the art of applying a professional knowledge
  of mathematics and the physical sciences to improve the quality of life."