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Installing Linux on a TP-750Cs --- BIOS32 Extensions?

   Date: Thu, 28 Sep 95 09:19 EDT
   From: pcolsen@n2ell.columbia.md.us (Peter C. Olsen P.E.)

   I've been lent a TP750Cs on which I want to run Linux to support my
   PhD research.  I've been trying to install Slakware 2.3 with kernel
   1.2.8, but when I try to boot, I get a message saying 

   "No BIOS32 Extensions found.  This release still depend on them. Sorry."

   and thing just fizzle out soon afterward.

   Can someone tell me what this means and if there is a way to get
   around it? 

I don't think this is important -- I booted from a Slackware 2.2 disk
recently, and it came up fine despite showing this error message.

Did you use the "floppy=thinkpad" boot parameter?  This is essential.
Also, could you be more specific about what you mean by "fizzle out"?

It's possible, depending on the size of your disk, that you may need
to use the "hd=..." boot parameter, but this problem wouldn't show up
until after the boot process was finished.