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Re: Partition Problems w/ 810mb HD

I agree that your latest math looks convincing...

> 810 * 10**6 = 772 * 2**20

which means that IBM is being honest, but the program reporting
on the 772 (cmos?) is counting in units of 2**20! 

...but I'm still curious about the formatting issue...
I have just checked a huge UNIX file server which we have
here, which has disks of every size from 200 Meg to 2 Gigabytes.
All of them show ~ 10% less space available for use than
their nominal size. DOS may not use quite as much as Unix
but still... !

According to Michael Verne's email, if chkdsk shows you 540 MB, and fdisk
shows you 527 MB, the difference (13 MB) must be what's used for formatting.
Meanwhile, cmos is counting in units of 2**20, because, as in your
calculation for the 810 MB drive, 540 * 10**6 = 514 * 2**20

I promise this is my last post on this, but I'd like to know if you agree!


Genevieve Cerf, Ph.D. E.E.
Speech Recognition & Language Understanding Services
NYNEX Science & Technology
500 Westchester Avenue
White Plains, NY 10604
(914) 644-2407
FAX: (914) 644-2211