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Re: Partition Problems w/ 810mb HD

Chuck notes:

"Actually to be perfectly clear, the unit Megabits is typically used
in semiconductor memories (makes them sound larger) and communication
channels. Disks are always rated in bytes (kilo or mega). Typically
disks with kilo byte ratings are using the notion that 1 kilo = 1024 bytes."

The other place that Mebabits is commonly used is in the videogame
business, where capacity is always thus stated. Marketing at work
again, a 16 meg game sounds much more impressive than a 2 meg game.

Now I suppose when we get to 32 meg games, some bright marketing guy at
the video game company will figure out that he can advertise a 33 meg game

Well look at the bright side, at least he folks from Kingston are not
trying to sell us 33 meg DRAM cards :-)