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Re: Partition Problems w/ 810mb HD

Boy that sure was a confusing post from manning. The discussion of gigabits
is of course a total red herring. 

So is the discussion of pre/post formatting.

The issue is simple, is a megabyte 10**6 or 2**20.

810 * 10**6 = 772 * 2**20

so depending on your definition of megabyte, the same disk can be
described as either 810 megs (the IBM description), or 772 megs (using
the dfefinition of megabyte that is always used when talking about
computer main memory, i.e. 2**20).

On thing I will say in IBM's case is that every IBM ad I ever saw has a
footnote explaining the usage. In most ads for disks, you simply cannot
tell which definition of megabyte is being used.